Clinical validation and utility of Percepta GSC for the evaluation of lung cancer
Percepta GSC was developed to up-classify as well as down-classify the risk of malignancy for patients with lung nodules when bronchoscopy is non-diagnostic. For patients with intermediate risk lung nodules, the test down-classified to low risk with a 91% NPV to help avoid additional invasive procedures and up-classified to high risk with a 65% PPV to inform next intervention steps.
Percepta GSC and Envisia Classifier Case Study
Dr. Nina Maouelainin shares a case where Percepta GSC up-classified the risk of lung cancer guiding the next intervention step, and Envisia determined a UIP pattern to improve ILD diagnostic confidence, guiding management using a non-invasive bronchoscopy.
Percepta GSC Up-Classification Case Study
Dr. Andres Yepes shares a clinical case where Percepta GSC up-classified the risk of lung cancer for an intermediate pre-test risk patient with an inconclusive bronchoscopy, informing the next intervention steps.
Percepta GSC Down-Classification Case Study
Dr. Andres Yepes shares a case where Percepta GSC down-classified the risk of lung cancer for an intermediate pre-test risk patient with an inconclusive bronchoscopy, saving the patient from an unnecessary invasive procedure.
Percepta GSC Physician Testimonial
Hear from Dr. Nina Maouelainin on how she integrated Percepta GSC into her clinical practice and the test’s impact on patient management.
Percepta GSC Clinical Case Review
Dr. Krish Bhadra shares a case where Percepta GSC down-classified the risk and changed patient management.
Percepta Genomic Sequencing Classifier and Decision-Making in Patients with High-Risk Lung Nodules: a Decision Impact Study
Percepta GSC increased the number of surgical and other ablative therapies recommended when patients were re-classified from high to very high-risk of lung cancer with a higher confidence in the recommended next step. By up-classifying nodules from high to very high ROM, Percepta GSC will improve the likelihood and timeliness of appropriate therapies and assist clinicians more effectively manage patients to improve patient outcomes.
Novel Genomic Testing: Improving Diagnostic Confidence for Lung Nodules
Hear how Dr. Kurman uses Percepta GSC to stratify the risk of primary lung cancer across all pre-test risk groups as a guide for patient management when bronchoscopy is inconclusive.
Percepta GSC Overview and Integration in Clinical Practice
Dr. Chakravarthy Reddy, Associate Professor, University of Utah School of Medicine, shares an overview of the Percepta Genomic Sequencing Classifier to stratify the risk of lung cancer when bronchoscopy is inconclusive and how to integrate this test into clinical practice.
Role of Next Generation Sequencing With Percepta Brushing in Re-classifying Lung Nodule Risk After a Non-Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Dr. Abhijit Raval reviews data where he and his colleagues sought to identify the frequency with which Percepta GSC helps to reclassify malignancy risk in intermediate risk nodules to guide further decision-making.